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Executive Committee Minutes, March 2020

NC Council on Developmental Disabilities
Executive Committee Minutes 
Date:  March 16, 2020
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Members Present: Allison Dodson, Kerri Eaker, Ryan Rotundo, Nessie Siler, Dan Smith
Members Absent: Myron Gavin, Cheryl Powell
Staff Present: Cora Gibson, David Ingram, Melissa Swartz, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez, Talley Wells, Philip Woodward
Council Members Present: Virginia Knowlton Marcus

I. Call to Order
Chair Kerri Eaker called to order the meeting of the Executive Committee (EC) and welcomed the members calling in.

II. Approval of Minutes
The draft minutes of the February 17, 2020 Executive Committee meeting were reviewed.

MOTION: Allison Dodson made a motion to approve the February 17, 2020 minutes. Dan Smith seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

III. Executive Director Update
Talley Wells first thanked the members for their time, work and commitment for these meetings during this serious time. He had several agenda items to discuss with the members:

  1. Funding/Budget – He is working closely with Yadira to identify unspent funds due to cancelled conferences and travel due to the Coronavirus. Other Councils have looked into mini grants to assist individuals with I/DD and/or non-profits serving individuals with I/DD and their families. NCCDD staff are exploring this option for an in-house initiative to fund requests for assistance.
  2. Youth Lead – We may receive an update from them regarding their funding request at the next EC meeting but, as of now, there is a good chance they will not be seeking the funding we had budgeted for them.
  3. Public Policy Coordinators – One of our Public Policy Coordinators may be resigning in the near future. JoAnn Toomey updated the members that the request to extend the RFQs for another year (beginning July 1, 2020) for both individuals is currently at the DHHS contract office and she will check on the status.
  4. Samantha R. – Talley updated the members that DRNC received a decision based on Olmstead related to I/DD. Talley has talked with DRNC and DHHS as well as Sam Hedrick and Holly Riddle and there will be further discussion on this critical issue.
  5. Conversations with the Council – The Five-Year State Plan Ad Hoc Committee is meeting this coming Friday. There will be discussion on how far out we should cancel the planned sessions and if we should consider webinars for now.
  6. ADA 30 – Updated plans continue for the event scheduled for July 30th and Talley is working closely with Chris Egan and Kathie Trotter. NCCDD will assist in any way we can.

IV. Financial Report and Expenses/Match Update
Yadira Vasquez reviewed the financial reports for the NCCDD. Currently, there is an estimated amount of $105,634 that will be available for new initiatives effective October 1, 2020 from FFY 2021. All other funds for FFYs 2018-2021 have been identified to be spent, pending Council approval. She did update the members that we will make every effort to ensure unspent balances are reallocated within federal fiscal years, within encumbrance deadlines.

V. Council Meeting/Member Survey or Agenda Review
The members reviewed the draft May Council meeting agenda. There was lengthy discussion regarding the decision to cancel or postpone the meeting due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

MOTION: Dan Smith made a motion to authorize Kerri Eaker and Talley Wells to make a decision by April 7th to postpone or cancel the May Council meeting – or to hold it by webinar and conference call. Allison Dodson seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

(NOTE: The May Council meeting was cancelled later that day due to information received from the hotel allowing no charges if a decision was made ASAP. There will be a webinar/conference call business meeting on May 8th at 10:00 a.m.)

VI. Conference Funding Requests
The members reviewed a request for the DRNC 7th Annual Disability Advocacy Conference being held April 30, 2020 at Raleigh Hilton North Hills, Raleigh. The request is for up to $3,000 toward speaker’s fee.

MOTION: Ryan Rotundo made a motion to approve funding for the DRNC 7th Annual Disability Advocacy Conference being held April 30, 2020 at Raleigh Hilton North Hills, Raleigh in an amount not to exceed $3,000. Allison Dodson seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

VII. Ad Hoc Committees/Updates
Talley Wells asked David Ingram to update the members on the progress of the surveys for the Five-Year Plan. David informed the members that the statistician at MH/DD/SAS has reviewed the draft versions and is currently looking at any needed edits before the surveys are released.

VIII. Personal Services Contract Review/Approval
None at this time.

IX. Other
Ryan Rotundo shared with the group that he had received an e-mail that the Special Olympics had been cancelled through May 15th.

X. Adjourn
Kerri then asked for a motion to adjourn and Ryan Rotundo made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Nessie Siler seconded the motion. The motion was approved and the meeting adjourned.



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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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