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Executive Committee Minutes, September 2021

NC Council on Developmental Disabilities
Executive Committee Minutes
Date: September 20, 2021
Time: 10:30 AM – 112:30 PM

Members Present: Allison Dodson, Bryan Dooley, Cheryl Powell, Ryan Rotundo, Nessie Siler, Dan Smith
Members Absent: Kerri Eaker
Staff Present: Pam Hunter Dempsey; Chris Hendricks, David Ingram, LaQuadia Smith, Melissa Swartz, Talley Wells, Tamira White, Shar’ron Williams, Philip Woodward, Letha Young
Guests/Council Members Present: Charlrean Mapson

I. Call to Order
Co-Chairs Bryan Dooley and Nessie Siler called the meeting to orderof the Executive Committee (EC) and welcomed the members callingin.

II. Approval of Minutes
The draft minutes for the July 19, 2021 Executive Committeemeeting were reviewed and considered for approval.

Dan Smith made a motion to approve the draft minutes for the July 19, 2021 Executive Committee meeting. Ryan Rotundo seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

III. Executive Director Update

Talley provided updates for the following:

  1. Registry of Unmet Needs Update
  2. Peer Mentor Update
  3. Vaccine Update
    Talley Wells shared information on the DRNC Vaccine Proposal. EC asked questions. Talley and Melissa Swartz answered the EC questions. Talley explained that we received technical support from ITACC telling us that we could sole source this proposal to DRNC because of the directions we received from the federal government that NCCDD, DNRC,CIDD, and CILs should work closely together. DRNC is also uniquely qualified to do this because of its work on the leadership initiative, its work on the vaccine initiative, its work with peers, its work with all disabilities across the state, specific directions the Council received from the feds on the vaccine funding, the short-time frame in which to spend these funds, and other reasons that fit within our sole source policy.

    Vote: DRNC Sole Source Vaccine Proposal for $70,000 Bryan Dooley recused himself from the conversation due to role on DRNC Board of Directors. Cheryl Powell made a motion to approve DRNC Sole Source Vaccine Proposal for $70,000, as included in the 9/17/2021 e-mail to EC. Dan Smith seconded the motion. The motion was approved by majority vote.

  4. Additionally, Talley discussed, the current Process for Ideas for New Initiatives, upcoming and recently completed Webinars, staff transitions, including welcoming our new staff members. He also reminded the EC about upcoming leadership positions for the Council and funding decisions that still need to be made in FY 2021.

IV. Financial Report and Expenses/Match Update

Shar’ron Williams reviewed the financial reports for the NCCDD. Talley shared…

  • Vote: Budget $5,000 Adjustment to Extend Temporary Policy Position through December 10, 2021.
  • Chris Hendricks was recused / placed in the waiting during the vote. Dan Smith made a motion to approve Budget Adjustment for $5,000 to extend Temporary Policy Position until end of the year (i.e., 12/10/2021). Ryan Rotundo seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

V. Council Meeting/Member Survey Review

• August Council Meeting Debrief

o Member Survey Responses – The members reviewed and discussed the member survey responses.

• November Council Meeting

  • Draft Agenda – The members reviewed and discussed the draft November Council meeting agenda. Discussion included confirming a three day Council meeting and inviting Allan Bergman to Host the Annual Awards with introduction via Kathie Trotter. Discussion also included Talley Wells informing the EC that cancellation would violate the terms of the contract with the hotel and incur Cancellation Fees upwards of $5,000, and exist as an ongoing potential issue regarding additional Council meetings in the midst of COVID-19 crisis. These fees had been waived in the past. The council will see if we can get these numbers reduced but all agreed after discussion that this was an understandable cost for the hotel to charge.
  • The EC and ED agreed to hold the November Council Meeting in a virtual-only format.
  • Vote: To approve Award Winners Recommendations made by Ad Hoc Committee – With the full EC present, Dan moved to approve the Leadership and Self-Advocate Award(s) as recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee. Allison seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote. With Bryan Dooley in the Waiting Room due to Bryan’s relationship(s) with the Ad Hoc Committee’s recommendations, Dan moved to approve the Hefner Memorial Award as recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee. Nessie seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

VI. Conference Funding Request
None at this time.

VII. Ad Hoc Committees/Updates

• Five Year Submission
• Awards Committee
• Diversity Equity and Inclusion – Tabled until October EC Meeting
• Public Policy – Tabled until October EC Meeting

VIII. Personal Services Contract Review/Approval
None at this time.

IX. Other
EC and ED agreed on Asheville, NC location RE: May 2022 Council Meeting.

X. Adjourn
Nessie made the motion to adjourn. There were no objections. Meeting adjourned at 12:28pm.


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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