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Community Living Committee Minutes November 5, 2020

Community Living Committee Minutes
November 5, 2020

Members Present:
Ryan Rotundo, Katherine Boeck, Rhonda Cox, Allison Dodson, Kerri Eaker, Virginia Knowlton Marcus, Joshua Gettinger, Aldea LaParr, Mya Lewis (for Victor Armstrong), James Stephenson
Members Absent: Senator Mujtaba Mohammed, Peggy Terhune, Sandra Terrell
Staff Present: Philip Woodward, Yadira Vasquez, JoAnn Toomey, David Ingram, Talley Wells
Guests Present: Michelle Merritt, Christina Dupuch, Jennifer Kelly, Janet Price-Ferrell

Introduction:Ryan Rotundo welcomed the committee and did an icebreaker focused on a theme present in everyone’s life.

MOTION: Allison Dodson made a motion to approve the August Community Living Committee minutes, and Aldea LaParr seconded them.  The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Fiscal Update: Yadira Vasquez provided the fiscal update.  Ryan Rotundo asked about the funds reallocated to NCCDD from the Puerto Rico Council and expressed a hope to do something to benefit the Latinx community with these funds.

Future Planning:

Five-Year State Plan Updates
Philip shared Five-Year State Plan survey results relevant to the Community Living goal.  Talley Wells helped to lead this discussion by asking about whom the Council did not get to hear from, particularly people living in group homes.  Virginia Knowlton Marcus asked how much of the support that people with I/DD receive is supplied by family members.  James Stephenson asked if the Council has broken down the transportation survey results by urban and rural areas.  Talley said the Council has not, but the Council has the ability to do so, and the Council heard from individuals in eastern North Carolina regarding transportation issues.  Allison Dodson raised the issue of school partnerships, and Talley said this ties in with the importance of transitioning to employment and community living.  Talley invited the members to participate in the Five-Year State Plan meeting on December 10th or to share their feedback with David Ingram.

Housing for People with I/DD
Philip Woodward shared the research he has done this year related to housing for people with I/DD and discussed the two-page housing information sheet in the member packets.  Virginia Knowlton Marcus asked if the State of North Carolina will set up an official roommate-matching registry.  Philip responded that NC Medicaid is interested in exploring the idea of establishing a roommate-matching platform where questions can be phrased based on individuals’ needs without revealing specific information about their disabilities.  Philip also said other states set up safeguards to prevent someone from harming a person with I/DD who is looking for a roommate.

Other Topics?
Aldea LaParr brought up the topic of natural supports and how she is supporting her mother, which she could not do if she lived in New Mexico instead of North Carolina.  Joshua Gettinger raised the possibility of funding a new natural supports grant that will foster greater participation by members of the I/DD community, and he asked Janet Price-Ferrell to provide recommendations on moving forward.  Janet stated that many professionals and parents have not bought into the concept of natural supports.  Janet said FIRST has created a video to show the value of natural supports by letting parents hear different stories.

RFA Discussion / Other Updates:

Supported Living: A How-to Guidebook RFA
Virginia Knowlton Marcus asked why the match requirement has been waived.  Philip Woodward said he would follow up with JoAnn Toomey – the answer is that Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Account state funds are funding this initiative.  Virginia also suggested that Disability Rights North Carolina serve as a partner in doing this work.

Philip shared Mya Lewis’s suggested rewording to Deliverables #3 within the RFA:

Conduct focus groups for individuals with I/DD and their families, providers, DSPs, state agency leaders, Local Management Entities/Managed Care Organizations (LME/MCOs), care coordinators and/or future Tailored Plan care managers to understand the barriers, opportunities, and best practices related to the provision of SL 2/3 services as well as the diverse needs of individuals who use these services or who are considering using these services.

Virginia Knowlton Marcus made a motion for staff of the Council to have the authority to release the RFA regarding Supported Living: A How-to Guidebook initiative in an amount of up to $75,000 per year of Money Follows the Person Demonstration Project/NC Medicaid/Division of Health Benefits state funds, with required minimum matching funds being waived, for up to two years.  In addition, Council staff will have the authority to extend the due date for applications, if necessary.  Katherine Boeck seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

I/DD Peer Support Curriculum
Talley Wells provided an update.  He said Alliance Health is interested in supporting this initial program.  He pointed out that the curriculum had 28 modules, but Alliance and NACDD are trying to narrow the curriculum down to 12 modules for a 12-week training.  Talley said he will discuss this more with the Executive Committee to receive approval on moving forward.  Katherine Boeck expressed an interest in the training to become an I/DD Peer Supporter.  Talley invited all of the members to discuss their Peer Support ideas with him or the Executive Committee.

Registry of Unmet Needs Research Project
Christina Dupuch shared how she is having conversations with people in North Carolina and nationally regarding the Registry of Unmet Needs.  She expressed an interest in the stories that members of this committee have and how getting the concept of the story or video will be valuable.  She talked about ways for stories and ad campaigns to influence people and make a difference in what the Council wants to accomplish. 

Katherine Boeck made a motion to adjourn, and Mya Lewis seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:00 p.m. 


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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