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Executive Committee Minutes, Oct 2017

Executive Committee
Monday, October 23, 2017
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Members Present: Katie Holler, Alex McArthur, Wing Ng, Anna Cunningham, Nessie Siler
Members Absent: Amanda Bergen, Kerri Eaker
Staff Present: Chris Egan, JoAnn Toomey

Chair Alex McArthur presided over the Executive Committee meeting and welcomed the members calling in. The order of the agenda was moved to accommodate Katie Holler and Anna Cunningham who announced at the beginning of the meeting that they would have to leave around noon.

I. Approval of Minutes:

The draft minutes of the September 18, 2017 Executive Committee were reviewed.

MOTION: Katie Holler made a motion to approve the September 18, 2017 minutes. Anna Cunningham seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

II. Financial Report and Expenses/Match Update:

JoAnn Toomey provided the financial report update for the NCCDD. There was discussion on the 2016-2019 FFY balances and initiative expenditures. There is projected to be $249,490 available between FFYs 2017 and 2019 for new initiatives.

The members reviewed the initiative report and noted that there were no match issues needing attention. Alex asked the members if there were any other questions or comments and there were none.

III. Conference Funding Requests:

Members reviewed a request from the Mission Family Support Network for the 7th Annual WNC Regional Transition into Adulthood Conference – being held Saturday, November 18, 2017 at the Mission Health/A-B Tech Conference Center, 340 Victoria Road, Asheville, NC 28801. The request is to fund up to 8 speakers (fees & travel) for up to $512.50.

MOTION: Anna Cunningham made a motion to approve the conference funding request from the Mission Family Support Network for the 7th Annual WNC Regional Transition into Adulthood Conference being held November 18, 2017 in Asheville, NC to fund up to 8 speakers (fees and travel) for up to $512.50. Nessie Siler seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

IV. Revision/Addition to NCCDD Conference Funding Requests Policy

The speaker fee funding limitations have caused an overall reduction of funding requests for support of I/DD conferences. The members reviewed a proposed addition to the Conference Funding Requests policy to allow for funding conference meeting space and accessible accommodations in addition to speaker fee and expenses. The members reviewed the proposed changes to the policy and request form.

MOTION: Anna Cunningham made a motion to approve the revision of the Conference Funding Requests Policy and the attached funding request form. Wing Ng seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

V. Council Meeting/Member Survey or Agenda Review

Chris Egan reviewed the draft agenda for the November quarterly meeting, beginning with the Wednesday schedule. Anna Cunningham asked that information on the Collective Impact presentation be forwarded to members after the meeting. There was discussion about the awards reception and Katie Holler suggested that media be alerted before the event and invited to the reception. Wing Ng suggested that there is a new reporter from ABC 11 who has a sibling with Down Syndrome and provided contact information. Chris reviewed the Thursday and Friday agendas and the members approved the content of the agenda with no further suggestions.

VI. Personal Services Contract Review/Approval:

None at this time.

VII. Ad Hoc Committees/Updates:

No updates were available for the Five-Year Plan Ad Hoc Committee. For the Communications and Member Development Ad Hoc Committee, Chris Egan shared with the members the winners of the Hefner and Riddle awards that were selected by the Committee. Programs and videos for the awards reception is being coordinated by O’Neill Communications. There was further discussion on the continued processes for member surveys, members attending conferences and other member travel.

VIII. Other:

  • Chris gave an update on the current RFAs. The selection committees have met for the Natural Supports and Innovative Employment RFAs and have made decisions that will be brought to the Council in November for approval.

    The Transportation RFA did not receive any applicants. Exploration by staff resulted in two factors, including not enough time for those interested in the release to respond and the funding was not commensurate with the scope of the effort outlined in the RFA. The Community Living Committee will be discussing this further at the November meeting for possible recommendation to seek Council approval of re-posting the release.

  • Members were reminded that the next EC Meetings in 2017 are scheduled for November 27th and December 18th.

  • It was agreed that the Executive Committee will recommend to the full Council in November that the current Committee Chairs continue to serve on the standing committees: Amanda Bergen for Financial Asset Development, Kerri Eaker for Community Living, and Nessie Siler for Advocacy Development.

  • Chris Egan updated the members that a no-cost extension until November 30, 2017 was given to the Expansion of Employment In-House initiative due to continued technical assistance being during the month of October and possibly into November for a newly established Wake County Project SEARCH site.

  • Discussion occurred regarding a Texas Cross-Council Cooperative Agreement that has been approved by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD). With the significant devastation caused by the hurricanes in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, aide from other Councils is allowed. Texas is ready to distribute funds to assist people with I/DD, their families during the recovery via an established grantee. Chris proposed that the NCCDD provide funding in support of the Texas response and recovery efforts for direct support to individuals with I/DD. The members asked that staff request more information from Texas detailing a plan of how the funds from the agreement will be used. The members also discussed future assistance to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands when they are in a position to accept resources within the rules established by the Administration for Community Living. This additional information will be available to be presented to the full Council for their review in November.

IX. Adjourn:

Chair Alex McArthur adjourned the meeting at 12:35 PM.


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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