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Executive Committee Minutes, January 22, 2018

Executive Committee
Monday, January 22, 2018
10:00 AM – 11:30 PM

Members Present: Aldea LaParr, Alex McArthur, Wing Ng, Cheryl Powell, Nessie Siler
Members Absent: Amanda Bergen, Kerri Eaker
Staff Present: Chris Egan, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez
Guests Present: Eric Chavis

Chair Alex McArthur presided over the Executive Committee meeting and welcomed the members calling in and wished them a Happy New Year.

I. Approval of Minutes: The draft minutes of the November 27, 2017 Executive Committee were reviewed.

MOTION: Nessie Siler made a motion to approve the November 27, 2017 minutes. Cheryl Powell seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

II. Financial Report and Expenses/Match Update:

Yadira Vasquez provided the financial report update for the NCCDD. She presented a new graphic presentation for the current and projected federal budgets and expenses. The members found the visuals contained in the report to be useful in helping show the major budget categories over multiple fiscal years. Yadira will include this report going forward for Executive Committee and Council meetings. There was discussion on the 2016-2019 FFY balances and initiative expenditures. There is projected to be $191,016 available between FFYs 2017 and 2019 for new initiatives.

The members reviewed the initiative report and noted that there were no match issues needing attention. Alex asked the members if there were any other questions or comments. Nessie asked about the impact to the NCCDD with the current federal shutdown. Chris advised the committee that we will not be impacted at this time and do have a plan in place if there is a prolonged shutdown. He also stated that we will be making contingency plans for at least a 5% reduction in the projected FFY 2019 award (beginning October 1, 2018). There were no further questions.

III. Council Meeting/Member Survey or Agenda Review

Chris Egan reviewed the draft agenda for the February Council meeting. Aldea and Cheryl Powell will be leading the Member Development Activity, with staff support, at the beginning of the day on Thursday. He reviewed the Thursday morning presentations and the afternoon initiative/RFA updates that will lead into the afternoon committee meetings. Regarding the RFA’s that are scheduled for approval to be released, he said that we will word the motions to include that initial deadlines for receipt of applications may be extended if needed.
Friday’s agenda was reviewed with no updates or changes.

IV. Conference Funding Requests

Members reviewed a request from the Appalachian District Health Department for the 1st Annual Autism & Neurodiversity Conference – being held September 21, 2018 in Boone, NC. The request is to fund up to 2 speakers (fees & travel) for up to $2,450.00.

MOTION: Aldea LaParr made a motion to approve the conference funding request from the Appalachian District Health Department for the 1st Annual Autism & Neurodiversity Conference – being held September 21, 2018 in Boone, NC. The request is to fund up to 2 speakers (fees & travel) for up to $2,450.00. Wing Ng seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

The members then reviewed the request from the Arc of North Carolina for the 2018 Rooted in Advocacy Conference – being held March 23-34, 2018 at the Embassy Suites in Winston Salem, NC. The request is to fund up to 2 speakers (fees & travel) for up to $1,350.00.

MOTION: Wing Ng made a motion to approve the conference funding request from the Arc of North Carolina for the 2018 Rooted in Advocacy Conference – being held March 23-34, 2018 at the Embassy Suites in Winston Salem, NC. The request is to fund up to 2 speakers (fees & travel) for up to $1,350.00. Aldea LaParr seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

V. Personal Services Contract Review/Approval

None at this time.

VI. Ad Hoc Committees/Updates

No new business to report at this time. Chris Egan informed the members that there is a plan to schedule meetings for the Communications and Member Development Ad Hoc and the Five-Year Plan Ad Hoc Committees soon after the February Council meeting.

VII. Other

Chris Egan updated the members that David Ingram will join the NCCDD staff as the new Systems Change Manager on February 1st.

Alex McArthur discussed the need for future discussions on potential RFA’s and funding – particularly around sex education training.

VIII. Adjourn

Chair Alex McArthur asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Wing Ng made a motion to adjourn. Aldea LaParr seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

Upcoming EC Meetings – 10:00 AM-12:00 PM: February 19, March 19, April 16, May 21, June 18, July 16, August 20, September 17, October 15, November 19, December 17, 2018



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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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