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Quarterly Council Minutes, August 2018

Quarterly Council Meeting Minutes
Hilton Garden Inn, Cary, NC
Friday, August 10, 2018

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Amanda Bergen, Teresa Strom (for Wayne Black), Katherine Boeck, Eric Chavis, Anna Cunningham, Allison Dodson, Bryan Dooley, Christina Dupuch, Kerri Eaker, Mary Edwards, Jason Faircloth, Senator Valerie Foushee, Joshua Gettinger, Mya Lewis (for DMH/DD/SA), Dreama McCoy (for William Hussey), Gary Junker, Brendon Hildreth, Katie Holler, Kelly Kimple, Aldea LaParr, Alex McArthur, Tara Myers, Deb Zuver (for Joseph Piven), Cheryl Powell,  Dave Richard,  Ryan Rotundo, Nessie Siler, Dan Smith, Vicki Smith, James Stephenson             

MEMBERS ABSENT:  Nakima Clark, Myron Gavin, Rep. Verla Insko, Kristy Locklear, William Miller, Wing Ng, Sandra Terrell, Peggy Terhune, Kelly Woodall

STAFF PRESENT:  Chris Egan, Cora Gibson, David Ingram, Melissa Swartz, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez, Shar’ron Williams, Travis Williams, Philip Woodward, Letha Young

CONTRACTORS/GRANTEES PRESENT: Erika Hagensen, Jill Hinton, Devika Rao

GUESTS: Sheri Badger, Deirdre Burroughs, Estefany Cortes Gonzalez, Michael Groves, Darcy Hildreth, Kellie Lehman, Debbie Massey, Andrea Miesenheimer, David Owen, Kat Oviatt, Sherilyn Small


Alex McArthur, NCCDD Chair, welcomed the members and asked that any Council member with a potential conflict of interest regarding items on the agenda to identify the specific conflict for documentation in the minutes and recuse, as necessary.  She also reminded members of the emergency exits at the Hilton Garden Inn.  She thanked the members for their participation on Wednesday and Thursday. 

The Chair then asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of a former Council member, Renate Macchirole, who recently passed away after battling cancer.  Renate was a passionate, outspoken and effective change agent for all.  We will miss her tremendously. 

Aldea LaParr, NCCDD Secretary, conducted the roll call.


Aldea LaParr asked for approval of the May Council meeting minutes.  A copy of the minutes had previously been made available to Council members.   

MOTION:  Anna Cunningham made a motion to approve the May Council meeting minutes.  Dan Smith seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by unanimous vote.


Chris Egan delivered his report to the members.  He reflected on the success of including a community engagement component to the meeting beginning with a comprehensive review of the partnership and collaboration with various initiatives and their connection and impact, locally.  He also reflected on the leadership of all members of the Council and the importance of leveraging this as mutually beneficial to their personal community and with the NCCDD.  Finally, he concluded by reflecting on the long-term commitment and service of Vicki Smith in being a network partner and an active member for over 10 years.  Vicki Smith was then presented with a service and recognition award. 


Alex McArthur reminded members to complete their reimbursement forms and submit them to staff.  She gave a brief report on the financial status of the Council.  A copy of the report had previously been made available and reviewed with Council members.


Senator Foushee gave a brief legislative update.


Jason Faircloth gave an update on the success of the golf tournament for people with disabilities.  Jason stated that there were people with 48 different disabilities and 8 countries were represented at the tournament.

Sheri Badger gave an update on the planning of an emergency management advisory committee.  She welcomed help from all who are interested.

Debbie Massey shared a story about her son and described his need for additional supports and services.

Amanda Bergen shared information about the Cub Scouts in her area.  She stated that they want to be inclusive and are reaching out because they want the community to know that the Cub Scouts can be accessible and inclusive, if you let them know the need.


Alex McArthur requested presentation of committee reports.  Please refer to the committee minutes for a detailed description of the committee’s work, including motions made in committee.


The Executive Committee members met May 21, 2018, June 18, 2018 and July 16, 2018.  Copies of the minutes were made available to Council members and Alex McArthur asked members to review the minutes and these are also posted on the NCCDD website.


Committee Chair Kerri Eaker presented the Community Living Committee report.  She thanked all committee members and staff and gave a brief update on the discussions from the Thursday meeting and initiative updates.  The following motions were presented on the floor for Council consideration:

MOTION:  Katherine Boeck made a motion for continuation funding to VAYA Health for the Supported Living: Making the Difference initiative.  Funding is approved for up to $100,000 ($25,000 DD Funds, $75,000 MFP/NC Medicaid Funds), with a required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds ($33,334), for Year 3 (of 3) from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.  Cheryl Powell seconded the motion.   Christina Dupuch recused herself because she works for VAYA Health.  The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

MOTION:   Katherine Boeck made a motion for continuation funding to The Arc of North Carolina for the From Planning to Action: Integrated, Collaborative Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) initiative.  Funding is approved for up to $125,000 with a required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds ($41,667), for Year 3 (of 3) from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.   Anna Cunningham seconded the motion.   The motion was approved by unanimous vote.


Committee Chair Amanda Bergen presented the Financial Asset Development Committee report.  She thanked all committee members and staff and gave a brief update on the discussions from the Thursday meeting and initiative updates.  The following motion was presented on the floor for Council consideration:

MOTION:   Daniel Smith made a motion to charge the Executive Committee to explore integrating the NC ABLE into Upward to Financial Stability curriculum and grant the Executive Committee the authority to approve funding up to $20,000.  Anna Cunningham seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by unanimous vote.


Committee Chair Nessie Siler presented the Advocacy Development Committee report.    She thanked all committee members and staff and gave a brief update on the discussions from the Thursday meeting and initiative updates.  The following motions were presented on the floor for Council consideration:

MOTION:  Katherine Boeck made a motion that Community Enterprises LLC be approved as the applicant selected for the NCCDD initiative entitled NC Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordination, Technical Assistance and Fiscal Intermediary Supports in the amount up to $125,000 per year with required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds (minimum of $41,667) for up to three years, with Year 1 beginning October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019, with the following contingency:

Marketing Strategy:

  1. The applicant must address targeted marketing recruitment to underserved/rural areas of North Carolina. Per the RFA, the applicant must address areas of North Carolina that do not have a grassroots group. 
  2. Expand on how the results and outcomes of the initiative will be disseminated/shared. The scope of work should reflect the details regarding how monitoring and evaluation will actually be done, including how the contractor has experience providing one-on-one support to grassroots groups that need support to fill out reports accurately and to report outcomes and any systems change that occurs as a result of their ADA projects.

Mary Edwards seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

MOTION: Nessie Siler made a motion to (a) endorse grantee Community Enterprises LLC’s acceptance of funds from Disability Rights North Carolina to enhance and expand the work conducted pursuant to the ADA Network Coordination, Technical Assistance and Fiscal Intermediary Supports initiative, provided the grantee has the ability and capacity to accept such funds, and (b) direct staff to coordinate with grantee and Disability Rights North Carolina as needed to allow grantee to accept those funds. Eric Chavis seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by unanimous vote.


Vicki Smith again thanked the Council for her service award and shared her excitement for her upcoming retirement, but also her continued excitement for Disability Rights NC and the new Executive Director, Virginia Knowlton Marcus.

Deb Zuver, Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities, gave updates on Heels Up, Project Stir, support of the NC Empowerment Network and SPARKS.


MOTION:   Nessie Siler made a motion to approve the 2019 meeting dates of the Council; February 7 & 8, May 9 & 10, August 8 & 9, and November 6, 7 & 8.  Eric Chavis seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Chris Egan reminded the members of the various efforts to intentionally solicit for comment and feedback for the NCCDD federally approved Five-Year Plan, as required by the Administration for Community Living (ACL).  The public comments received were reviewed by the Executive Committee and shared with the full Council and do not indicate a need to revise the current goals and objectives of the plan. 


Anna Cunningham gave a brief update on the Communications and Membership Development Ad Hoc Committee.  The committee recently met and will make a recommendation to the Executive Committee regarding the chosen recipients for the three advocacy and leadership awards that will be given out at the November Council meeting.  The minutes were provided to the members.

Kerri Eaker gave an update on the Five-Year State Plan Ad Hoc Committee.  Kerri extended an invitation to anyone who wanted to join the committee.

Dreama McCoy informed the members that Bill Hussey will be retiring September 28th from the Department of Instruction.


Alex McArthur asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

MOTION:  Anna Cunningham made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Katherine Boeck seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by unanimous vote and the meeting was adjourned.

Approved:  _________________________

                          Aldea LaParr, Secretary

Date: _______________



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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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