Category: Initiatives
September 04,2024-12:00 PM
RFA – 2025.1.A: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Inclusive Postsecondary Education (IPSE) Planning
Copy of RFA
The funding for this RFA will be up to $60,000.00 for the first contract period (termed Year 1 [of 4]) for 6 planning and development months, with required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds ($20,000). The initial 6-month funded project begins April 1, 2025, and ends September 30, 2025. All additional contract periods (Years 2 through 4) will all be a full calendar year. The first six-month budget should be entered into the DD Suite application. Funding plans for the second contract period (Year 2 [of 4]) will be up to $120,000 with 25% non-federal matching funds ($40,000), starting October 1, 2025 and ending September 30, 2026. This year will also go towards funding planning and development of the program.
Funding plans for years 3 and 4 (of 4) will be up to $200,000 respectively for the initiation of a pilot program. (See RFA for funding details.)
Staff Contact: If you have any questions regarding this RFA packet or using DD Suite, please contact Juanita Hooker, Systems Change Manager via e-mail at [email protected] or (984) 920-8208.
Important Dates to Consider
A Request for Applications (RFA) is the way the NCCDD asks for proposals for initiatives that will help the Council achieve the goals outlined in its Five-Year State Plan.
All applications must be received by 5:00 pm EDT on November 1, 2024. Please apply on DD Suite:
Important dates:
- September 4, 2024: Request for applications distributed to eligible applicants and posted on the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities website (
- September 18, 2024: Deadline for written RFA questions to be answered at the Grant Application Workshop.
- September 19, 2024: Interested applicants may attend the Grant Application Workshop.
- November 1, 2024: Applications due to the NCCDD by close of business, 5:00 PM ET.
- February 7, 2025: Award announced.
- April 1, 2025: Contract begins.
Grant Application Workshop
A Grant Application Workshop occurred on Thursday, September 19, 2024, from 1:00pm - 3:00pm (Eastern Time). Council Staff reviewed the process of how to submit a proposal using DD Suite.
Watch the recording of the Grant Application Workshop held of September 19, 2024:
Grant Application Workshop Package List:
- Agenda
- DD Suite Account Set-up Instructions
- PowerPoint Slides: Intro to NCCDD
- PowerPoint Slides: Grant Application Workshop
- Copy of the RFA
- Components of DD Suite Grant Application
- Comprehensive Contracts Attachments List
- Application Review Scoring Form
- Budget Line Item Explanation Sheet
- Indirect Cost
- Performance Measures
- Contact Information from Intent to Apply
- General Q & A – Bidders’ Workshop
- General Q & A - Grant Application Workshop
General Information Documents
A Request for Applications (RFA) is the way the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCCDD) asks for proposals for initiatives that will help the Council achieve the goals outlined in its Five-Year State Plan.
- DD Suite Grant Application Instructions (doc)
- Introduction to NCCDD (ppt)
- Components of NCCDD Grant Application (docx)
- Comprehensive Contract Attachments List (docx)
- Application Scoring Form (pdf)
- Budget Line Item Descriptions (pdf)
- Budget Narrative Guidance (docx)
- DD Suite Current Performance Measures (pdf)
- OIDD Council Performance Measures (docx)
- Collective Impact Overview (ppt)
- NCCDD Match Examples (pdf)
- Calculating a Federal Grant Match (xlsx)
Additional resources to which the RFA refers to. Click on item below for additional RFA Information)
Required Contractor Documents
An organization receiving a funding award from NCCDD must submit these documents prior to the contract starting:
- Project Profile (doc)
- Assurances (docx)
- State Certifications (pdf)
- Federal Certifications (pdf)
- An NCCDD contractor must be registered with the North Carolina Secretary of State:
- An NCCDD contractor must obtain a Unique Entity ID by going to:
- An NCCDD contractor that is a non-profit organization must submit an updated tax exemption or 501(c)(3) Determinations Letter by going to:
The following three required attachments are documents that the applicant must edit, so NCCDD is posting a Word version of each. If you need any other documents in Word format for accessibility or other reasons, please contact [email protected] to let us know.
- Authorization Letter to Sign Contracts (docx)
- Authorization Letter to Sign Contract Expenditure Reports (docx)
- State Grant Certification – No Overdue Tax Debts (docx)