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Organizations starting with G

Generic Services

Services, businesses, organizations or agencies that serve the general population rather than a select disability group. The use of generic services by people with disabilities encourages community inclusion. Examples of generic services include transportation, health care, and higher education.

Group Home

A small congregate living setting that is licensed to provide 24-hour residential supports for people who have disabilities in exchange for compensation from federal and state or private sections. Group homes differ in the numbers of people served and in the level of support provided to the persons receiving services. State law dictates how services will be provided and methods of accountability for service provision.


A person or organization appointed by the court for the purpose of performing duties related to the care, custody, or control of an individual and which may include, but is not limited to, consenting for medical/surgical or treatment procedures and handling of business and legal affairs. In the case of a minor, it is a parent or some standing in "loco parentis".


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North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities

Office Hours: 9AM-4PM Monday-Friday
1-800-357-6916 (Toll Free)
984-920-8200 (Office/TTY)
984-920-8201 (Fax)
This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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